Sunday 29 May 2011


So I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while now but I wasn't sure what to get. I thought it would be pretty cool if I got a band logo or an album cover, so I put my Google hat on and came up with some ideas...

Nirvana logo
Blink-182 logo
Green day- American idiot album cover
Avenged sevenfold logo
Linkin park logo
While I really like these designs and think the bands are awesome, I wasn't really a big enough fan to validate the getting a tattoo of their logo/album cover...

Then I came across this...

Foo Fighters- One by One album cover
I. Love. This! It's the album cover of the Foo Fighters album 'One by One' and I love it! I think it would work really well as a tattoo. I'm such a HUGE Foo Fighters fan as well and I love this album so it's perfect for me...

Only problem is, I have no idea where to have it...!

I thought about having it on my arm but I'm pretty weedy and don't think it would work... And ceebs for working out! I have better things to do!

I also thought about having it on my leg, but my legs are majorly hairy! Seriously, I have gorilla legs! I don't really want a hairy heart on my leg for the rest of my life!

The only other place I'd consider having it is my chest, but I don't really like the idea of having it there...

It's a conundrum!

Think I may have to settle for it on my arm, but I'm still not sure...

But once I figure that out I can get it! :) ....When I have the money...!

Blog ya later, alligator!