Sunday 12 June 2011


"When it rains, it pours"- American proverb

It's raining! I love rain. Especially during summer when it's still warm and you get that great rain smell, y'know? Whenever it rains I get the urge to go out with nothing but a T-shirt and shorts on and just run... Never do though, don't know why... I imagine it would be pretty cool to do, put the iPod on and just run...

When it rains it usually reflects my feelings, whether it's depressed or free... When I feel depressed and it rains I want to run out in it and cry, fall to my knees in a field, open my arms to the sky and scream until I go hoarse... Like some dramatic scene in a film... Guess that's kinda pathetic really...

Right now though, I'm feeling free... I don't know why. Maybe because I've recently let certain feelings go and just don't give a fuck about them anymore... Or maybe it's because schools over and I don't have to go back to that soul sucking hell hole! Maybe something else. I dunno... Either way I want to run out in the rain so it can wash away everything and I can start over. But this time with a grin. I'd still go to a field, but this time when I open my arms I'll spin and dance instead of fall to my knees, and I'll laugh instead of scream. Feeling free...

The Shawshank Redemption
Who knows, maybe today I will go running in the rain... But somehow I doubt it...

Blog ya later, alligator!

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