Sunday 26 June 2011


Hate dogs. Hate dogs a hell of a lot. What is the point in a dog?! They're smelly, noisy, flea ridden shit machines!!! URGH!!! I fucking hate dogs!!

"Naww, they're so cute"

Stupid fucking dog

CUTE?! That's not fucking cute! That just looks stupid! With its stupid fucking tongue hanging out of its stupid gormless face! OK, admittedly this won't be considered the 'cutest' dog picture in the world so here's what may be considered a 'cuter' one...

Still not cute.
I bet half of you are sitting there going "AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" in a stupid high pitched voice. It's not cute! It just looks boring!!! And look at the claws on it!!! Dangerous. That's all dogs are. There are so many stories about dogs mauling their owners and doing some serious, if not fatal, damage. And sometimes to children! CHILDREN!!! Even INFANTS!!! When did the safety of us and BABIES come second to having a pet?!?!?! I'm sure some of you are thinking "not all dogs are dangerous though"

Dogs are so cute...
I'm sure that's what this kid's parents thought too. He's three years old. THREE! Bet he doesn't think dogs are so cute now... And he's one of the lucky ones. Sure, he'll have to live with a hideous scar on his face as a constant reminder and grow up not knowing what he's supposed to look like, but at least he'll live!!!

No??? Still not convinced??? How about now...

This is what dogs are capable of.

This may seem pretty out of the blue but the neighbour's dog LITERALLY WON'T FUCKING STOP BARKING!!! Seriously, getting to the point where we might complain. And to make matters worse the twats called it Sam. So all I hear is "BARK BARK BARK" ... "Sam" ... "BARK BARK BARK" ... "Sam" ... "BARK BARK BARK" CONTINUOUSLY!!! IF THE DOG DOESN'T COME TO YOU WHEN YOU CALL IT THEN GO AND GET THE LITTLE SHIT!!! AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

OK. I'm done (not really, I could go on. But lucky for you I won't). Rant over. Back to normal soon. Or maybe I'll start on cats.....

Blog ya later, alligator!

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