Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rain 2

This probably won't make any sense if you haven't read my first Rain blog so you may want to familiarise yourself with it!

"I hear a sound, a sound above my head. The distant sound of thunder..."- Doves, Kingdom of Rust

I DID IT!!! ...Kinda!

Just had a massive rain storm. I went straight into my garden, barefoot, in just shorts and a t-shirt and stood in the rain. It felt amazing! I just stood there with my arms open and face to the clouds. I know this sounds like a really hippy thing to say but I feel so cleansed now! As if everything thing that was me has been washed away...

I loved every second of it! The way the drops pounded my face and hands, the way the grass felt beneath my toes, the softness of the skin of my fingers and palms, how warm the concrete path was under my feet...

I wouldn't come inside. I was soaked and cold but I didn't come inside until the rain was so fine I couldn't feel it.

I know it's a long way from spinning round in a field but I feel like it was a huge step to take for the sensible guy who rarely steps out of social 'norms' for fear of what people will think, what with the fact the neighbours could've seen me at any moment, guess that sounds pretty pathetic really...

If it was night time I think I would've gone all out! Ran down the street to that field, left my shoes and maybe even my t-shirt at the side of it and ran around, brushing the tips of the crops with my palms...

But for now I'm happy with my back garden. Still feel so much different, I know it won't last but for now it'll do...

Blog ya later, alligator!

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