Thursday 2 June 2011


Aren't hugs just the best things in the world?! They're perfect for so many things! Hellos and goodbyes, I love yous and I miss yous, I'm sorrys and it'll be OKs. A hug can provide everything you want to say without any words...

There's simply NOTHING better than a cuddle when you're feeling low.

BUT! There's nothing worse than a bad hug. I HATE it when someone doesn't commit to a hug. If you're gonna do it, then DO IT!!! Put the effort in, don't just stand there vaguely with your hands on my back for less than a second! That's not hugging, that's just touching me! Weirdo!!! Actually wrap your arms around me and SQUEEZE!!!

My friend Bekka and I have the BEST hugs! I dunno what it is about them, but we just seem to have really good hugs!!! We're like hug soul mates!!!

That's not too say my other friends don't give good hugs, because they do! Most people I hug on a regular basis are good huggers, in fact I don't think any of them aren't! So... Yeah... Well done guys!!!

Sigh. I'm sitting here at 2:34am thinking about hugs, and it's it just making me want one... Sad face!

Basically, I LOVE HUGS! So if you see me, don't be afraid to...

Incidentally, I LOVE this t-shirt!!! AND. I. WANT. IT!!!

Blog ya later, alligator!

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