Monday 11 July 2011

Foo Fighters

"Too many hits, dude!!!"- Dave Grohl

I just finished watching Foo Fighters at T in the park. It. Was. So. Amazingly. Brilliant!!! The more I watch them/listen to them, them more I bloody love them!!!

The thing I love most about them is that you can tell that they really love what they do. They actually asked to go on early!!! That's how much they love it, and you can tell from their performance. And they stay on for as long as possible as well, their T in the park set lasted two and a half hours!!! That's insane!!! It WAS insane to watch!!!

They're so genuine as well. Dave said at T in the park they don't do encores and 'pretend' they're not going to come back on. His reasoning for this? "That wastes another song." That's how much they want to perform! They always play until they're told to stop, and even then they push it!

I love the fact they can mix acoustic with heavy. So much so they're album In your honour was two CD's!!! One acoustic, one heavy. And even better, the following album Echoes, silence, patience and grace showed they could do it in one album!

They're also SO talented! Especially Dave who is a brilliant performer and Taylor who sings and drums Cold day in the sun AT THE SAME FRICKIN' TIME!!! FLAWLESSLY!!!

Taylor Hawkins, Drummer.
They're ALL talented though and their latest album Wasting light is proof of this as it was recorded on tape. Big deal you say? Err, YEAH!!! That means it can't be digitally altered so what you hear is what you would hear if you were there during recording. Talent. A TRUE band.

While I'm on the topic of Wasting light, it's an amazing album. Not a single song which is even "Meh, it's alright I guess!" Get it!

Also recently watched their documentary Back and forth. As a fan who arrived late in the game considering they've been going for 16 years and I'm only 18, I found it really interesting. I now feel I am up to date with the bands history and have an incite into how they've got where they have. There are so really touching moments too, for example, they play Wembley (which is a HUGE deal) and at the end of the set Dave has a little cry!

Dave crying at Wembley, bless him!
That's what I'm talking about when I say they're so genuine. They obviously live and breathe for it!

I just love everything about them! So much so I'm getting a tattoo of the album cover for One by one. So much so that I KNOW after I've finished and posted this I'll remember something else I wanted to say.

I'm GUTTED that I didn't win iTunes tickets to go see them, but I did win tickets to see The script tomorrow which I am PUMPED for!!! And you can't win them all I guess...

But one day, I WILL see them live in all their glory...

Blog ya later, alligator!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rain 2

This probably won't make any sense if you haven't read my first Rain blog so you may want to familiarise yourself with it!

"I hear a sound, a sound above my head. The distant sound of thunder..."- Doves, Kingdom of Rust

I DID IT!!! ...Kinda!

Just had a massive rain storm. I went straight into my garden, barefoot, in just shorts and a t-shirt and stood in the rain. It felt amazing! I just stood there with my arms open and face to the clouds. I know this sounds like a really hippy thing to say but I feel so cleansed now! As if everything thing that was me has been washed away...

I loved every second of it! The way the drops pounded my face and hands, the way the grass felt beneath my toes, the softness of the skin of my fingers and palms, how warm the concrete path was under my feet...

I wouldn't come inside. I was soaked and cold but I didn't come inside until the rain was so fine I couldn't feel it.

I know it's a long way from spinning round in a field but I feel like it was a huge step to take for the sensible guy who rarely steps out of social 'norms' for fear of what people will think, what with the fact the neighbours could've seen me at any moment, guess that sounds pretty pathetic really...

If it was night time I think I would've gone all out! Ran down the street to that field, left my shoes and maybe even my t-shirt at the side of it and ran around, brushing the tips of the crops with my palms...

But for now I'm happy with my back garden. Still feel so much different, I know it won't last but for now it'll do...

Blog ya later, alligator!

Sunday 26 June 2011


Hate dogs. Hate dogs a hell of a lot. What is the point in a dog?! They're smelly, noisy, flea ridden shit machines!!! URGH!!! I fucking hate dogs!!

"Naww, they're so cute"

Stupid fucking dog

CUTE?! That's not fucking cute! That just looks stupid! With its stupid fucking tongue hanging out of its stupid gormless face! OK, admittedly this won't be considered the 'cutest' dog picture in the world so here's what may be considered a 'cuter' one...

Still not cute.
I bet half of you are sitting there going "AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" in a stupid high pitched voice. It's not cute! It just looks boring!!! And look at the claws on it!!! Dangerous. That's all dogs are. There are so many stories about dogs mauling their owners and doing some serious, if not fatal, damage. And sometimes to children! CHILDREN!!! Even INFANTS!!! When did the safety of us and BABIES come second to having a pet?!?!?! I'm sure some of you are thinking "not all dogs are dangerous though"

Dogs are so cute...
I'm sure that's what this kid's parents thought too. He's three years old. THREE! Bet he doesn't think dogs are so cute now... And he's one of the lucky ones. Sure, he'll have to live with a hideous scar on his face as a constant reminder and grow up not knowing what he's supposed to look like, but at least he'll live!!!

No??? Still not convinced??? How about now...

This is what dogs are capable of.

This may seem pretty out of the blue but the neighbour's dog LITERALLY WON'T FUCKING STOP BARKING!!! Seriously, getting to the point where we might complain. And to make matters worse the twats called it Sam. So all I hear is "BARK BARK BARK" ... "Sam" ... "BARK BARK BARK" ... "Sam" ... "BARK BARK BARK" CONTINUOUSLY!!! IF THE DOG DOESN'T COME TO YOU WHEN YOU CALL IT THEN GO AND GET THE LITTLE SHIT!!! AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

OK. I'm done (not really, I could go on. But lucky for you I won't). Rant over. Back to normal soon. Or maybe I'll start on cats.....

Blog ya later, alligator!

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Feel the need to make a few lists of random stuff:

Things to do this summer:
  • Prom
  • Form meal
  • Clear out room
  • Few parties (Mainly pumped for the Finbow's! Bouncy castle!!!)
  • Camping
  • Movie day
  • RESULTS!!! D:
  • PRAY for Itunes tickets (Foo fighters PLEASE!!!)
  • Bum around!
Bands I want to see live:
  • Foo fighters
  • Muse
  • Arctic monkeys
  • Kings of Leon
  • Razorlight
  • U2
Films to see:
  • Hangover 2
  • Green lantern (Shit reviews but I'd like to see for myself. Plus, Ryan Reynolds is BANG TIDY!)
  • Bridesmaids
  • Captain America
  • X-men: First class
  • The Muppets (Not out till next year but looks EPIC!)
  • Dark knight rises (Same as Muppets)
  • Superman: Man of Steel (Same again!)
  • Super 8
So pretty much super hero films then...!

Blog ya later, alligator!

Sunday 19 June 2011


I am quite possibly the world's worst singer! Maybe second worse, after my mum! Seems to run in the family!

However I don't give a damn! I love to sing along to my favourite tunes (Especially when alcohol has been consumed!). Even if nothings on!

Because I love to sing to so much I REALLY wish I could! Sometimes I'll hear myself and be like "Oh dear!" but then I just carry on anyway! I especially wish I could sing like this...

I don't know what it is about his voice I love so much but I think it's amazing! Especially in 'Pyro' when he sings "Watch her run, can you feel it" Shivers!!! Love this band loads! On my list on bands to see live. I want his voice so much!

I'd also like his beard!!!

Blog ya later, alligator!

Sunday 12 June 2011


"When it rains, it pours"- American proverb

It's raining! I love rain. Especially during summer when it's still warm and you get that great rain smell, y'know? Whenever it rains I get the urge to go out with nothing but a T-shirt and shorts on and just run... Never do though, don't know why... I imagine it would be pretty cool to do, put the iPod on and just run...

When it rains it usually reflects my feelings, whether it's depressed or free... When I feel depressed and it rains I want to run out in it and cry, fall to my knees in a field, open my arms to the sky and scream until I go hoarse... Like some dramatic scene in a film... Guess that's kinda pathetic really...

Right now though, I'm feeling free... I don't know why. Maybe because I've recently let certain feelings go and just don't give a fuck about them anymore... Or maybe it's because schools over and I don't have to go back to that soul sucking hell hole! Maybe something else. I dunno... Either way I want to run out in the rain so it can wash away everything and I can start over. But this time with a grin. I'd still go to a field, but this time when I open my arms I'll spin and dance instead of fall to my knees, and I'll laugh instead of scream. Feeling free...

The Shawshank Redemption
Who knows, maybe today I will go running in the rain... But somehow I doubt it...

Blog ya later, alligator!

Thursday 2 June 2011


Aren't hugs just the best things in the world?! They're perfect for so many things! Hellos and goodbyes, I love yous and I miss yous, I'm sorrys and it'll be OKs. A hug can provide everything you want to say without any words...

There's simply NOTHING better than a cuddle when you're feeling low.

BUT! There's nothing worse than a bad hug. I HATE it when someone doesn't commit to a hug. If you're gonna do it, then DO IT!!! Put the effort in, don't just stand there vaguely with your hands on my back for less than a second! That's not hugging, that's just touching me! Weirdo!!! Actually wrap your arms around me and SQUEEZE!!!

My friend Bekka and I have the BEST hugs! I dunno what it is about them, but we just seem to have really good hugs!!! We're like hug soul mates!!!

That's not too say my other friends don't give good hugs, because they do! Most people I hug on a regular basis are good huggers, in fact I don't think any of them aren't! So... Yeah... Well done guys!!!

Sigh. I'm sitting here at 2:34am thinking about hugs, and it's it just making me want one... Sad face!

Basically, I LOVE HUGS! So if you see me, don't be afraid to...

Incidentally, I LOVE this t-shirt!!! AND. I. WANT. IT!!!

Blog ya later, alligator!

Sunday 29 May 2011


So I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while now but I wasn't sure what to get. I thought it would be pretty cool if I got a band logo or an album cover, so I put my Google hat on and came up with some ideas...

Nirvana logo
Blink-182 logo
Green day- American idiot album cover
Avenged sevenfold logo
Linkin park logo
While I really like these designs and think the bands are awesome, I wasn't really a big enough fan to validate the getting a tattoo of their logo/album cover...

Then I came across this...

Foo Fighters- One by One album cover
I. Love. This! It's the album cover of the Foo Fighters album 'One by One' and I love it! I think it would work really well as a tattoo. I'm such a HUGE Foo Fighters fan as well and I love this album so it's perfect for me...

Only problem is, I have no idea where to have it...!

I thought about having it on my arm but I'm pretty weedy and don't think it would work... And ceebs for working out! I have better things to do!

I also thought about having it on my leg, but my legs are majorly hairy! Seriously, I have gorilla legs! I don't really want a hairy heart on my leg for the rest of my life!

The only other place I'd consider having it is my chest, but I don't really like the idea of having it there...

It's a conundrum!

Think I may have to settle for it on my arm, but I'm still not sure...

But once I figure that out I can get it! :) ....When I have the money...!

Blog ya later, alligator!